
GUNUNG KIDUL - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) noted that at least 527 houses were damaged from light to heavy as a result of strong winds in the area this morning.

The acting Head of BPBD Gunung Kidul, Sri Suhartanta, said that until now his party is continuing to collect data, especially the impact of damage to the value of losses arising from this incident.

"From this incident, hundreds of residents' houses were damaged, the electricity network was damaged, many public facilities were damaged, there were six injured people. We are still collecting data on the impact of this strong wind", Sri Suhartanta said in Gunung Kidul, Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

He said a coordination meeting would be held today to discuss the status of the disaster. "Whether the state of emergency will be declared or not, will be discussed later", he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Gunung Kidul, Sunaryanta, inspected the location of the impact of strong winds in Semanu District this afternoon. On this occasion, his party distributed assistance.

Sunaryanta will hold a special coordination meeting to discuss the impact of this disaster, especially it's handling in the future. "We ask the relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to be alert for handling and act quickly to provide food assistance and other equipment", said Sunaryanta.

Regarding what kind of treatment will be carried out, he could not answer in detail. This is because the decision is still waiting for the results of the data collection on the impact of the damage, which is still being carried out.

However, Sunaryanta said it was possible that the Unexpected Expenditure (BTT) budget would be used, especially to help repair buildings belonging to residents who were damaged.

"In the meantime, we are helping with the logistics of needs such as food and others", he said.

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