
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo explained the projection of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, when he inaugurated the new office of the NasDem Party Central Leadership Council (DPP) on Jl. RP Soeroso No. 42-46, Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, 22 February. The President emphasized that 70 percent of the new capital area must be a green area. Then, 80 percent of transportation uses green energy, namely hydropower in North Kalimantan. "80 percent of the existing mobility or mobility from one place to another is supported by 80 public transportation. So it's not a private car," said President Jokowi.

So, he continued, in the new capital city, moving from one point or area to another according to city planning will only take 10 minutes. "So this is Ten Minutes City. And we will give priority to the first pedestrians, the orientation is there. The second is by bicycle, the third is public transportation," explained Jokowi. "So those who like walking, please move to the new capital. Those who like cycling, also want to be healthy, move to the new capital. If you like to ride a car, let alone use fossil fuels, don't move to a new capital. Because the big concept is a smart forest city," he continued. Like a sophisticated city, Jokowi said, IKN Nusantara will be designed with the majority of greenery and lots of forest. But everything is managed with modern technology, both transportation, irrigation systems, infrastructure systems to communication systems and public services.

"Many have asked me, where does the budget come from? For the core area, which includes a palace and a ministry building, that's all from the state budget. Our estimate is 20 percent of the total budget needed. So 80 percent is either PPP or direct investment by investors. ," he said. Because in hilly areas, Jokowi continued, IKN Nusantara is designed to adapt to the existing land surface. Then the waterfront area will also be made as natural as possible. Currently, he claims, the rehabilitation and improvement of the ecosystem in Borneo is being carried out. "There are several existing forest ecosystems that have been damaged, but we will rehabilitate and repair them so that there is no assumption that we are there to destroy the forest. What we use is 256 thousand hectares later, approximately 50 thousand hectares will be used. The remaining 200 thousand hectares is that it will be left as a green forest, we will fix the bad ones, we will fix the bad ones," said Jokowi.

Jokowi added that the government is building a nursery or nursery and tree nurseries whose production is estimated to be 20 million seeds a year. "Later, Mrs. Siti Nurbaya will explain in detail. Earlier, she whispered to me, 'nursery is almost finished'. This means that what we are promoting is an environmentally friendly city," said Jokowi.

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