
MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUTR) coordinates with the National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) to immediately deal with landslides in Poros Malino, Gowa Regency.

The Head of the Planning Section of Highways at the PUTR Office of South Sulawesi, Sukarlan, said that there were two landslide points on the provincial roads, precisely at KM 55 and KM 64 on the Malino axis road section, Gowa Regency.

"This is a provincial road assisted by the Balai to handle. KM 64 was handled by Balai last year and is still under maintenance," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

In addition to two landslide points on Jalan Poros Malino, landslides also occurred in Kenanga Hamlet, Pattaikang Village, Gowa.

Bhabinkamtibmas Pattalikang Village, Gowa Bripka Supriadi together with members of the Manuju Police, assisted by residents in carrying out efforts to clean up the rest of the landslide using simple tools.

On this occasion, Bripka Supriadi also reminded his assisted residents to stay alert to the potential for further landslides and other impacts of the recent high rainfall.

"It is appealed to the public to always remain vigilant with various potentials and other impacts that may arise due to rainfall which is predicted to occur for the next four days," he said.

"Stay alert because it is possible that something similar could happen again at any time," said Bripka Supriadi.

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