
BANJARMASIN - The General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police has taken over the handling of a fictitious online social gathering case where the dealer is a member of Bhayangkari, the wife of a member of the Banjarmasin Police.

"Upon orders from the leadership, the case is now being handled by the Regional Police so as not to cause negative excesses of suspicion from the complainant because the suspect is the wife of the police," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Mochamad Rifa'i in Banjarmasin, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

According to him, the husband of suspect RA, MS, is also still being investigated whether he was involved in the crime committed by his wife.

Rifa'i emphasized that what the suspect did was an individual act, so it had nothing to do with institutions, both Polri and Bhayangkari.

Investigators are still investigating the case that has caught the public's attention in Banjarmasin. So far, there have been 126 social gathering participants who have become victims with an estimated loss of IDR 2.7 billion.

For those who feel they have become victims, Rifa'i appealed to immediately report both to the Banjarmasin Police and to the South Kalimantan Police so that all of them can be recorded.

Because it is alleged that there are still many other victims not only from Banjarmasin but outside the province, considering that the social gathering made by the suspect on his personal Instagram account has been running since 2017.

It is known that a woman with the initials RA was appointed by the Banjarmasin Police Criminal Investigation Unit as a suspect and detained for a fictitious online social gathering case that cost the victim a total of billions of rupiah.

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