
JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), Bintang Puspayoga, appreciates the involvement of community organizations in reducing the number of sexual violence.

"Handling sexual violence is a cross-cutting issue that needs to involve various related sectors from the central level, regional level, community participation, including religious organizations, community organizations, academics, and other stakeholders", she said through a press release in Jakarta, Monday, February 21.

According to her, more and more cases of sexual violence are being revealed to the surface because of the high level of community participation and the participation of community organizations in preventing and overcoming sexual violence.

"To overcome challenges and obstacles in handling women victims of violence, comprehensive and integrated handling is needed", she said.

She expresses ideas, ideas, initiations, and constructive recommendations that can encourage efforts to prevent and overcome sexual violence, which is needed from community organizations.

This is a form of joint commitment between the government and community organizations to work together in breaking the chain of sexual violence.

The Ministry of PPPA has made various efforts through socialization, advocacy, and training to the community regarding the impacts and potentials that cause violence by the provisions of the legislation.

She added the urgency of the existence of legal regulations in building a comprehensive system of prevention and handling of criminal acts of sexual violence.

Therefore, with the ratification of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence, it is hoped that it can be used as a legal umbrella and reference in preventing all forms of sexual violence, handling, protecting, and recovering victims, as well as taking action against perpetrators and creating an environment free from sexual violence.

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