
JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) affirms a neutral and clean attitude from any political interests in its role as a non-structural government institution tasked with managing zakat, infaq, alms, and other religious social funds. the audit team and the legal team, as well as being objective. If there are deviations, internal sanctions will be given according to the applicable regulations," said the Chairman of the Indonesian National Development Council Noor Achmad in a written statement received in Jakarta, Monday, February 21. Previously, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Cianjur, West Java, summoned the Chairman of the Cianjur Baznas who acknowledged that the distribution of zakat in his working area was carried by political parties. Cianjur MUI chairman Abdul Rauf said the summoning of the Cianjur Baznas chairman was immediately carried out as an effort to warn and warn that zakat distribution would not involve political party figures who could create unrest in the community. community. Allegations of politicization of zakat emerged after the photo which shows several political figures, who are also legislative candidates from one of the political parties, present and handing over social assistance packages from the community fund for the residents of Saganten Village, Sindangbarang District. The people in Sindangbarang Sub-district were boarded by political party figures.

According to Noor, Baznas always prioritizes neutrality and continues to maintain public trust in every activity. If deviations are found, the central Baznas will immediately deploy a team to investigate and take firm action if violations are found. On the other hand, Baznas will provide a defense if there are no errors or irregularities. According to Noor, Baznas adheres to transparent and accountable zakat management, based on sharia principles, safe regulations, and safe for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The affirmation of this neutral attitude is very important so that Baznas does not get dragged into practical politics," he said. Noor appealed to the provincial, district/city Baznas, LAZ, and all zakat managers to distribute zakat to mustahik according to Islamic law and maintain neutrality and not to be involved in activities. practical politics. Baznas is also cooperating with other parties to anticipate practical political efforts. "Baznas RI realizes that as a non-structural government institution there will be many political interests that come in. However, we need to emphasize that Baznas is an institution that is neutral and free from political interests. We have worked closely with Bawaslu so that there is no use of funds for practical political interests," said Noor.

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