
SURABAYA – March 2022 The Surabaya City Government launched a labor-intensive program to revive the economy of the City of Heroes, East Java, which was affected during the COVID-19 pandemic, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi said, economic recovery is one of his priority agendas, in addition to the agenda for handling the COVID-19 pandemic. -19 and social protection. "That's why we launched March as the start of a series of labor-intensive programs," he said in Surabaya, Monday, February 21. According to him, the scheme regarding the labor-intensive program has now been prepared. He hopes that the program can move the economy more massively, leading to employment and poverty reduction. Eri said that there are three strategies that will be used in the labor-intensive program, namely the first strategy in the form of labor-intensive micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) which are also including street vendors (pedestrians). "Currently, the Surabaya City Government has prepared a number of intervention programs for MSMEs and street vendors," said the mayor. Parent Business (NIB) for MSMEs through Online Single Submission (OSS) or a service system to speed up business implementation. and so on," said Eri. The second strategy, he continued, is optimizing and accelerating APBD spending by n involve local business actors including MSMEs. Likewise, infrastructure-based labor-intensive programs will continue to be optimized, so that many workers can be involved. "The APBD must be enjoyed by the people of Surabaya. We continue to spend the APBD to provide added value to the local economy, including through infrastructure-based labor-intensive programs in villages," he said. The third strategy, he continued, is to facilitate the collaboration of large corporations and investors to partner with MSMEs in the City of Heroes. Currently, he said, a number of investment plans are ready to be realized. Surabaya is also considered to be consistently listed as a major national investment destination, with an investment achievement of IDR 29.22 trillion in 2021, the second highest in the country. "Investors who enter Surabaya will certainly need partners to support their business supply chain and company operations. collaboration with MSMEs is open, and we will facilitate it," said Eri.

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