
TULUNGAGUNG - The director of PT Kia Graha, with the initials AK, who is a suspect in the corruption project for the road widening of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Tulungagung Regency, East Java, returned the state loss money of Rp. 327 million.

"This is the umpteenth return of the total state loss of Rp. 2.4 billion," said Head of Intelligence at the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

The amount of money that has been deposited by AK as installments for refunding state losses is currently IDR 2 billion. There is still a shortfall of Rp.433 million.

"The suspect stated his ability to return it in installments (payment in stages until it is paid off)," he said.

From the calculation of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) the state losses from the four projects amounted to Rp. 2.4 billion.

AK handed over the refund himself to the Tulungagung Kejari, which was then deposited into the evidence depository account.

"Later on in the trial process it will be calculated as replacement money," said Agung.

Taking this state loss is the suspect's obligation. It will not force the suspect to return.

"Automatically the person concerned will return (the state's loss), it will have an effect on the demands," said Agung.

According to Agung, the refund of state losses will have an effect on lawsuits. However, this return does not stop the ongoing legal process, he said.

He explained that the alleged corruption within the PUPR Service was found by the Tulungagung Kejari after finding evidence indicating an overpayment of the four-way widening project in Tulungagung, causing state losses of billions of rupiah.

The four road sections in the 2018 fiscal year project that are suspected of being objects of corruption are Jeli-Picisan, Sendang-Penampihan, Boyolangu-Campurdarat, and Tenggong-Purwodadi.

The four roads are carried out by one operator. As a result of this reduction in road specifications, according to him, the quality of the roads has deteriorated.

The road that should have been strong for decades, in three years was already broken. To test the quality of this road, his party cooperates with ITN Malang.

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