
SUKABUMI - The Provincial Government of West Java (Jabar) provided assistance of Rp. 1.5 billion to rehabilitate houses for residents affected by flash floods in Tugu Village, Jaya Raksa Village, Baros District, Sukabumi City.

"Later on for the rehabilitation of development, the local authorities are calculating first. Assistance from the West Java Provincial Government of Rp. 1.5 billion plus Rp. 500 million from the zakat of good people who entrusted me to a total of Rp. 2 billion," said Ridwan Kamil after reviewing the location of the affected residents' houses. Flash floods in Sukabumi City were reported by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

He also checked the readiness of emergency response facilities, health posts, and main posts related to information centers that had been provided for the needs of residents.

Not only that, the West Java Provincial Government distributed assistance of Rp. 1.5 billion to rehabilitate residents' houses, and Rp. 500 million from community funds.

In addition, Ridwan Kamil ensured that the conditions of his residents remained safe and healthy thanks to the first aid carried out by the Sukabumi City BPBD and the Sukabumi City Government.

For this reason, he asked the West Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Pol Suntana and Sukabumi Mayor Achmad Fahmi to respond to this disaster by taking emergency response measures to lift materials by heavy equipment that hit residents' homes.

"It turned out that there were a lot of houses that were heavily damaged, I entrusted the emergency response with the Guardian with a team, assisted by the TNI/Polri today and God willing, the team will settle down tomorrow. The Kapolda will deploy it," said Ridwan Kamil.

Previously, it rained for about four hours in Sukabumi City, Thursday, February 17 in the afternoon until evening. The disaster caused by extreme weather caused hundreds of houses, public facilities and social facilities as well as a number of roads to be flooded. It was even reported that one person died and one person was injured.

Responding to the extreme weather that hit some areas in West Java. Kang Emil asked West Java residents to be on alert, because according to the BMKG forecast, the rainy season will last until the end of March.

"The rainy season is still going on until the end of March. So you have to be on alert until the end of March, just in case things like this don't happen again," said Kang Emil.

To anticipate this, he asked the Mayor of Sukabumi to be vigilant in preparing various anticipations. Given the rain will again flush the West Java region.

"Therefore, I entrust it to Pak Wali, the team from each regional security must be vigilant because there was one fatality yesterday. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, I'm sorry," he said.

"With our presence (Forkopimda West Java and the Mayor of Sukabumi) I also encourage the victims who are sad, because their property was destroyed by the flood," Kang Emil added.

The flood disaster that hit the Sukabumi City area, last occurred in the 1990s. Kang Emil analyzed that the big floods that occurred this year had something to do with the long duration of heavy rains.

"This will have to be investigated later, because from the last report of this big flood in the 1990s, it means that this extreme weather from 2 to 8 o'clock heavy rains that don't stop is certainly not normal. We will check with BMKG whether there will be a similar scheme in the future so that we are more vigilant," he said.

Sukabumi Mayor Achmad Fahmi said the victims affected by the flash flood were 696 families, as many as 1,670 people were affected. Of these, 46 houses were heavily damaged, and 38 were moderately damaged and 146 houses lightly damaged.

Regarding rehabilitation, Fahmi said that he had prepared posts that were activated every day.

In addition, he will use the West Java Provincial Government aid funds for recovery after the disaster by rebuilding damaged houses.

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