
KUALA KURUN - Floods hit Sei Antai Village, Rungan Hulu District, Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan, causing dozens of houses in the village to be flooded.

"Based on the report we received from the village head, there were 83 houses in Sei Antai Village that were affected by the flood," said Gunung Mas Jaya Regent S Monong through the Head of BPBD Champili, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19.

Champili said it was estimated that there were hundreds of residents of Sei Antai Village who were affected by the flood on Friday, February 18, spread across four neighborhood units (RT), namely RT 01, RT 02, RT 03, and RT 04. The flood also caused a bridge connecting between RT disconnected.

So far, his party has only received reports of flooding that occurred in Sei Antai.

His party reminded the village head, sub-district head or sub-district head to immediately report if their area was flooded, so that BPBD could take the necessary steps.

Separately, the sub-district head of Rungan Hulu Penyang D Massal said the flooding occurred due to the high intensity of rain on Thursday (17/2) night, causing the Rungan River to overflow.

The flood caused the bridge connecting RT, namely RT 01 and RT 03 to break. However, there are other alternative bridges that can be used by local residents.

Currently, he continued, at some points the water level has reached about 1.5 meters. It is possible that the water level will increase in the near future.

BPBD appealed to residents of Sei Antai Village to evacuate to a safe place if deemed necessary. Parents are advised not to let their children play during the flood.

"I also urge residents to be aware of electric short circuits during floods. Electronic items should be moved to a place far from puddles of water," said Penyang D Mass.

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