
JAKARTA - Regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permenaker) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits (JHT) is still reaping the pros and cons. Member of the House of Representatives Commission IX Netty Prasetiyani Aher, assessed that the Permanaker had hurt humanity and ignored the conditions of workers who were under pressure due to the pandemic. Therefore, he asked the government to review, even revoke the regulation.

According to the Deputy Chair of the PKS Faction of the DPR RI, there are several articles in the Permenaker whose contents show the government's insensitivity to the pandemic situation that causes workers to be laid off. Mainly, related to the age of JHT recipients.

Netty admitted that she couldn't understand how a worker should receive his JHT right at the age of 56.

"Imagine, a participant has to wait 15 years to disburse his JHT if he stops at the age of 41. This doesn't make sense," said Netty to reporters, Friday, February 18.

Moreover, said Netty, this rule applies to participants who stop working due to resigning, being laid off or leaving Indonesia forever.

Based on BPJS Employment data as of December 2021, continued Netty, the total claims of participants who stopped working due to retirement were only 3 percent. While 55 percent of resignations and reasons for being laid off reached 35 percent.

In his notes, a worker who chose to resign could be because he was no longer comfortable working at his place to seek sustenance.

Therefore, he emphasized, the disbursement of JHT at the age of 56 years of workers does not need to be detained. Especially in the current difficult economic situation.

"If you have to wait until you are 56 years old, how will the workers' income continue?" asked Netty.

Meanwhile, PDIP Legislator Deddy Yevry Hanteru Sitrorus, said that the Ministerial Decree No. 2/2022 was right. Because according to him, JHT is intended for those who retire in old age.

"It's also called old age insurance, it's a kind of pension. Of course, you take it when you retire or meet the criteria. It's different from severance pay or other rights related to layoffs or incentives," said Deddy, Friday, February 18.

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