
JAKARTA - A truck loaded with heavy materials hit a road divider on Jalan MT Haryono, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, Friday, February 18. The incident occurred at around 4:30 am.

"It is suspected that he was not careful and concentrated when the vehicle gave precedence. Then (the truck) lost control and hit a road barrier," said East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Head Iptu Seno Wibowo when confirmed, Friday, February 18.

Truck overturned at MT Haryono/ Photo: @TmcPoldaMetroJaya

Iptu Seno said that the incident began when the truck with the number A 9437 ZB was passing on Jalan MT Haryono from Pancoran, South Jakarta, to Cawang, East Jakarta.

The truck was driven by a driver with the initials AF (22). AF allegedly lacked concentration so that the single accident occurred.

"The accident resulted in material damage," he said.

Truck overturned at MT Haryono/ Photo: @TmcPoldaMetroJaya

The truck overturned until the heavy cargo that was in it fell scattered.

"There were no casualties in the incident, but the body of the truck, especially the front part, was badly damaged," he said.

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