
SEMARANG - Head of BKKBN dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) gave directions at the Central Java Province Family Planning Extension Association Regional Conference at Quest Hotel Jalan Plampitan Semarang this morning, Friday 18 February. Doctor Hasto appreciated IPeKB's actions which were very useful for the Bangga Kencana program and brought positive energy to the Family Development, Population and Family Planning Program (Bangga Kencana).

Present at the meeting the Head of the Central Java BKKBN Representative, drg. Widwiono, M.Kes, Head of Central IPeKB Triyana and Chair of Central Java IPeKB Heru Sanyoto, Coordinators within the Central Java BKKBN, and IPeKB administrators in Central Java districts.

The positive energy of IPeKB was also seen when the BKKBN proposed 4000 PPPKs. The existence of this organization as well as the organization that houses the Non-PNS Family Planning Counselor also provides positive encouragement and energy.

"I have told Mr. Tjahjo Kumolo, to Mr. President Jokowi, that we add the PKB to be recruited, if it is not supported by your loud voice, the voice of Non-PNS that is loud, we will not be strong," said the Head of the BKKBN.

In 2022, the BKKBN is proposing to issue a PanRB Ministerial Regulation so that high school graduates can also become functional PKB. It is said that many regional heads in Central Java do not have honorariums. This PPPK policy is taken from honorary staff who have served, while regional heads have been prohibited from appointing honorary staff since 2015. It is hoped that during the recruitment process they will be able to meet the PPPK requirements.

The head of the BKKBN also praised the creativity of family planning instructors in various regions. The PKB idea is able to revive the pride of gold in the region.

"Many of the PKB ladies and gentlemen have creativity and are able to move PPKBD cadres so that the Counseling Center is restless, how many times a day or a week do PKBBD come there," said Doctor Hasto

Regarding the acceleration of stunting reduction, this is a new energy for family planning instructors and a concern for other cross-sectors. For this reason, he invited him not to make this task a burden.

"Father, Mother, it is better for us to be noticed by many people than not to be noticed by many people. Today the regent, sub-district head, village head, PKK are all turned on to "gang up" stunting," said Doctor Hasto.

Prevention of stunting is closely related to spacing or delivery distance. If the delivery interval is less than three years, then the stunting is high. Therefore, according to Dr. Hasto, the right campaigns include KB Post-partum, breastfeeding (Lactation Amenorrhea Method), progesterone pills which are suitable for breastfeeding mothers and implants.

“We can tell you that the implant can be installed immediately. Today, the placenta that came off the same day was immediately inserted, came home with implants," said the Head of BKKBN. "Come on, we encourage hospitals, we partner as much as possible with hospitals," he continued.

KB Operational Assistance Funds Special Allocation Funds for services have been provided to KB OPDs in regencies and cities. In these funds, packages are accommodated for counseling, both groups and door to door where PPKBD and sub PPKBD can be involved there.

The Family Assistance Team is referred to by the Head of BKKBN as new energy. In that team there are midwives who will be their own strength in providing education to acceptors such as Post-Department Family Planning. There are also PKK cadres who are very influential in the community.

“If there are still PKB that don't have many friends in the sub-district, please move them, collect them at the KB post, pay close attention to the BOKB funds that were used for counseling earlier. There are funds for a meeting in the sub-district once a month,” he explained.

The BKKBN has also communicated with the Ministry of Villages so that a Permendes can be made which allows village funds for stunting. Currently, village heads are required to allocate funds for stunting prevention.

"These strengths are what we converge to at one point, where those who are unable are stunted and are at risk of stunting," he said.

At the end of his directive, the Head of the BKKBN said that the extension worker was a representation in creating a peaceful, peaceful and happy family.

"The essence of this country and nation is that if the family is sakinah, mawaddah, maslahah, then the country will also be peaceful and peaceful," concluded Doctor Hasto.

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