
TANGERANG - The police have arrested three specialists in theft of motorbikes in Tangerang. The three perpetrators with the initials AY, ER and AF usually act in places of worship.

The Head of Jatiuwung Police, Kompol Zazali Hariyono, said that of the three perpetrators who were arrested, two of them were women. The arrest of the perpetrator was carried out in the Jatiuwung area, Tangerang City, Wednesday, February 16, at night.

"There are 3 suspects in total, one male, two female," Zazali told reporters at his office, Thursday, February 17.

At first the police suspected a group of people suspected of being the perpetrators of the theft which started in the early hours of the morning or early in the morning.

"So last night we already had the old Operational Target (TO), we and the team already knew the players who played at dawn. Finally we split in two and when we split the two teams, he said.

After reconnaissance was finally carried out, the person suspected of committing the theft carried out the action.

"(We) found a person who was on the side of the rented house, we finally secured it, there we found a bag that was carried by a suspected letter T key," he said.

During the interim investigation, the three perpetrators had stolen eight motorbikes.

“There are 8 units, various types of two wheels. The gang from the Lampung group, (the motorbikes will be sold) to Serang, just haven't carried out activities there, only a few motorbikes have been deposited there, "said Zazali.

In his confession at the examination, Zazali explained that the perpetrators usually carried out their actions in crowded places, houses and places of worship.

"The direction is to Serang, they just haven't done any activities there, only a few motorbikes have been left there. He is more often a place of worship, because his position is outside,” he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator is threatened with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a threat of five years in prison.

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