
SLEMAN - The Sleman Regency Government, Yogyakarta Special Region will immediately prepare one more centralized isolation shelter (isoter) for COVID-19, because currently the two existing shelters, namely Hajj Dormitory and Rusunawa Gemawang are almost full.

"The bed capacity in the isoter shelters of the Sleman Hajj Dormitory is 137 units and the Rusunawa Gemawang 101 units have been filled about 80 percent," said Head of the Sleman District Health Office, Cahya Purnama, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

According to him, this condition is because in the last few days the daily confirmed cases of positive COVID-19 in Sleman are quite high, and are recorded above 400 per day.

"To anticipate the increasing need for isolation shelters, we will add another one," he said.

He said that currently the Yogyakarta Islamic University (UII) shelter located on Jalan Kaliurang is ready to be reopened. "If demand for isolation shelters spikes, we will reopen UII shelter. UII shelter has a capacity of 69 beds. It is currently being prepared," he said.

Cahya said that apart from the UII shelter, isolation places in several campus institutions are also being prepared to reopen to anticipate COVID-19 patients from the academic community.

"The shelters for Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Unisa Yogyakarta have been activated since Monday (14/2)," he said.

According to him, shelters in kelurahan and sub-districts have also been prepared, but currently it has not become a priority, because kelurahan shelter operations require a large number of human resources. In the meantime, we focus first on providing shelter at the district level. If the shelter in the district is full, like it or not, one has to prepare it in the urban village," he said.

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