
CENTRAL BANGKA - The drug trafficking syndicate in Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, is allegedly controlled by the Pangkalpinang City Drug Penitentiary (Lapas).

"From several cases that we have revealed, it is indicated that the drug syndicate was controlled from the Pangkalpinang Narcotics Prison," said Central Bangka Police Chief AKBP Moch Risya Mustario, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

He said his party "kissed" the syndicates, indicating they were cooperating with inmates and this was confirmed by the results of field investigations.

Central Bangka Police in the Antique Menumbing Operation from 1 to 12 February 2022 succeeded in uncovering six cases of drug trafficking of methamphetamine.

Of the six cases, he said, three were cases of non-target operations and three cases that were targeted by police operations.

"We have secured more than 19 grams of methamphetamine as evidence along with other evidence in the form of cell phones, motorcycles, and one unit of four-wheeled vehicles," he said.

The police chief explained that six suspects had been detained at the Central Bangka Police Rutan, one of whom was a woman.

"Six suspects, some of them are dealers who are involved in drug networks," he said.

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