
JAKARTA - Traffic Directorate of Police has revealed the results of their investigation into the bus accident that occurred in Bukit Bego, Imogiri, Bantul, Sunday, February 6. There was a 60 cm long brake trail that the bus made.

The head of the Traffic Accident Analysis (TAA) Team of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Dodi Darjanto, said officers found traces of 60cm long braking marks. That is, the bus driver tried to reduce the speed.

"This is proven and illustrated by the braking marks which are only 60 cm. If the braking system runs perfectly, then the brake marks will be longer than that," said Dodi at a press conference at the NTMC Police Building, Jakarta, Tuesday 15 February.

Dodi said that after braking traces were found, there were also tires slipping tracks or breaking marks of 11 meters. Then, the vehicle that is moving down will continue to move at its final speed, according to Newton's law.

"We saw at the crime scene the road was slightly curved, so that when the car failed to brake it would continue to run straight, and of course, the driver tried to direct the vehicle to turn left and finally a breaking mark or tire slipped," said Dodi, quoted from the official website of Police PR.

Dodi said that through the analysis, it was suspected that the bus was traveling at a speed of 102.39km/hour, and violated the speed limit determined at that location. He also appealed to the public to pay attention to the speed of vehicles, especially going downhill.

"I urge the public to continue to comply with traffic regulations, not to violate the maximum speed limit in particular on the established sections of the road," said Dodi.

Deadly bus driver is a suspect

The Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, has named a tourist bus driver as a suspect in a single traffic accident that killed 14 passengers and injured dozens of people in Bukit Bego.

Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan said the suspect was determined based on the results of the case related to the traffic accident case which was carried out by the Police together with the Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas), Irwasda (Regional Supervision Inspector), and the Legal Division of the Yogyakarta Regional Police, on Wednesday, February 16.

"From the results of the trial this morning, which was just finished around 11.30 western Indonesia time, the result was that all participants in the case agreed that this bus accident case was a case caused by the negligence of the driver driving the vehicle when the road was going downhill," he said.

He explained that the negligence was first obtained based on the testimony of witnesses as well as the results of the analysis of the TAA (Traffic Accident Analysis) team that was deployed, and other evidence at the crime scene, that when the road was downhill the driver used third gear.

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