
JAKARTA - Muhammadiyah Central Executive is preparing additional beds for COVID-19 patients throughout the Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah Hospital (RSMA) network, in line with the increasing spike in the number of COVID-19 exposures.

"We from the Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah Hospital (RSMA) network are preparing additional beds in the event of a spike. So we are now in the preparation process, including the preparation for additional beds," said Chairman of the Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center (MCCC) Center Agus Syamsudin in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

On Tuesday, February 15, the Ministry of Health reported that the number of confirmed COVID-19 positives touched 57,045 with the addition of active cases reaching 30,168.

He said the numbers exposed to COVID-19, which had soared sharply, had to be responded to and prepared for all the possibilities. Muhammadiyah through the MCCC, said Agus, continues to appeal to the wider community to always be disciplined in health protocols.

In addition, people who do not have urgent needs are not expected to travel first. In addition, people who have not been vaccinated should immediately apply to be vaccinated, this is for the sake of mutual safety and security.

"On the other hand, we still carry out vaccinations, and it continues to run both in hospitals and vaccination programs throughout Indonesia," he said. spike in the number of people exposed to COVID-19.

"We are also adding people, because later there will be more people who will handle this. Muhammadiyah is also preparing other facilities and infrastructure. Including instructing 86 hospitals to anticipate if there is a surge in Omicron," said Agus Syamsudin.

The chairman of the PP Muhammadiyah General Health Supervisory Council (MPKU) has also received reports from Muhammadiyah hospitals in Jakarta which have experienced additional patients with COVID-19 cases.

Therefore, he appealed to the MCCC in the region and in the region to again prepare to anticipate a spike in cases, especially preparing isolation places.

"Because people with mild and moderate symptoms should not be referred to the hospital, and must self-isolate. So it is important to prepare shelters immediately," said Agus Syamsudin.

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