
AMBON - The Ambon City Government, Maluku facilitated a meeting related to the land dispute between the Indonesian Air Force and the residents of Tawiri, Teluk Ambon District. BPN. Today we are trying to bring residents and the Indonesian Air Force together to find a joint solution," said Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy in Ambon, Wednesday, February 16. The Air Force previously explained all the evidence it had regarding the boundaries of state land it controlled, which was approximately 200 hectares. Meanwhile, from the Tawiri community's perspective, they also stated that they had resettled and resettled land from the country, resulting in differences of opinion. The Ambon City Government also presented the ATR BPN to provide technical considerations, considering there are suspicions from the community regarding land certificates issued that are not pro sedural.

"BPN's official explanation is that the certificate is issued on the basis of proper procedures, namely through the stages until the issuance of the certificate," he said. it can be known whether it enters or not on Tawiri land, considering that the TNI AU certificate is on Laha land, not Tawiri. If the problem is resolved, it will proceed to the next stage asking for consideration and solutions from the Maluku Provincial Government. "This step is taken because the airport is a vital object so the responsibility is not only on the Ambon City Government but also the Maluku Provincial Government," said the Mayor.

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