
JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, recorded three fallen trees hitting the area due to strong winds, Wednesday afternoon.

"The three fallen trees occurred in two points in Lubukbasung District and one point in Tanjungmutiara District", said Head of Agam BPBD, Muhammad Lutfi Ar, in Lubukbasung, Wednesday, February 16.

He said the fallen tree occurred at the Simpang Tembok, Jorong IV Surabayo, Lubukbasung District, causing the tamarind tree to hit the workshop.

After that, a mangosteen tree fell on the house belonging to Agusman (70), a resident ofgantiang, Jorong Batang Piarau, Nagari Kampuang Pinang, Lubukbasung District.

"The mangosteen tree caused minor damage to Agusman's room and kitchen", he said.

Meanwhile, a tree fell on the Sirah River, Jorong Durian Kapeh, Nagari Preparation for Durian Kapeh Darusallam, Tanjungmutiara District.

A cotton-type tree hit the power grid and damaged the bridge arm, making the road impassable for vehicles.

"There were no casualties as a result of the incident and material losses are being recorded", he said.

He added that the fallen tree material was being cleaned up by the Agam BPBD Task Force team and was trying to finish soon.

With this incident, Lutfi appealed to residents to increase their awareness of fallen trees, because strong winds still have the potential to hit the area.

"Avoid being around trees when the wind is strong so you don't become a victim", he said.

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