
JEPARA - The Jepara Police arrested a farmer with the initials S, a resident of Kembang District, Jepara Regency, Central Java. The 56-year-old farmer who also works as a shaman was arrested by officers for allegedly committing immorality to one of his patients with the initials UN.

In a press conference, Jepara Police Chief, AKBP Warsono, revealed the chronology that made S have to deal with the authorities.

"The incident began in June 2021 when the victim (UN) experienced pain in the stomach. She then went to a psychic, namely suspect S. And at that time the victim recovered", said Warsono through an official statement received by the editors, Tuesday, February 15.

AKBP Warsono also said that the victim came back to the suspect to make her fortune smooth because she was in debt.

"At that time the suspect suggested a flower bath ritual without wearing clothes", said Warsono.

It was also explained that while undergoing the ritual, the victim received inappropriate treatment and the suspect also asked to have sex. Shaman S threatened that if the victim did not comply, the victim's fortune would not run smoothly, and her property would be lost.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jepara Police, AKP M Fachrur Rozi, explained that suspect S claimed to have studied with a religious leader in Jepara. This confession makes the victim feel confident.

Suspect S was arrested in the Mlonggo area, who at that time was going to meet the victim to ask for some money.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public relations for the Central Java Police, Commissioner M Iqbal Alqudusy, asked the public to think logically.

"Feeling panicked or confused when facing difficulties is something human. However, we urge the community to think logically. Please also consult with trusted religious leaders to obtain proper spiritual guidance. So that later there will be a good way out of the problems faced", said Commissioner M Iqbal, Tuesday, February 15th.

Iqbal also added that the case of the shaman S in Jepara did not only kill one person. However, two other people are also suspected of being victims of the shaman's deception.

For this reason, S was charged with a criminal article to account for his actions.

"Because of his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 289 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 285 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 12 years", explained Commissioner M Iqbal.

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