
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) asked the Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi to give strict sanctions to his members who committed violence against residents in Wadas Village, Purworejo, Central Java.

This is because Komnas HAM found evidence of human rights violations by the police during the refusal to measure the andesite mining area in the village.

"Ask the Regional Police Chief and his staff to give sanctions to the officers who are proven to have committed violence," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara in his statement, Tuesday, February 15.

Komnas HAM also asked the Central Java Police not to directly provide hoax stamps to social media accounts that report directly in the field.

"And ordered the Head of Propam to carry out inspections and enforce sanctions on personnel proven to have committed violence against residents," said Beka.

"The police must also return the goods and equipment of the residents that are still confiscated," he continued.

Beka said Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi had responded to Komnas HAM's request. Inspector General Luthfi, he said, also immediately ordered his staff to return the residents' belongings on Monday, February 14. "The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission will continue to monitor the entire process of solving problems in Wadas," said Beka. Komnas HAM and the Central Java Police agreed. to coordinate more intensively after the arrest of dozens of Wadas residents. This coordination is to avoid similar incidents and create a conducive atmosphere in Wadas Village. During its meeting with Ahmad Luthfi, Komnas HAM also presented initial findings based on monitoring at Wadas. However, these findings have not been disclosed to the public.

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