
JAKARTA - Director of The Wahid Institute (WI) Yenny Wahid hopes that the dialogue between the Provincial Government of Central Java (Central Java) and the residents of Wadas Village, regarding the polemic of the Bener Dam construction project in Purworejo Regency, can produce the best solution for all parties.

"It is hoped that through dialogue we can find the best solution for all," Yenny said when contacted from Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, February 14.

The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist appreciated the efforts made by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, in holding a dialogue and went directly to greet local residents.

"A good leader must have the courage to have direct dialogue with the community so that they can hear various perspectives, both pro, and contra," added the daughter of the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid.

She also hopes that the dialogue between Ganjar and the residents of Wadas Village can produce the best solution, so that no party is harmed by the andesite mining plan in Wadas Village for the construction of the Bener Dam.

Yenny emphasized that the government should take a dialogue approach, and not use intimidation and violence against the public. She also asked for the stigma that had sprung up in Wadas Village to be removed.

"Don't let divisive rhetoric appear, which results in the loss of a friendly atmosphere in the community. The government must be able to become a protector who reconciles the community, whatever the people's choice will be," she hoped.

Previously, Sunday, February 13, Ganjar Pranowo had met a group of residents who objected to quarry mining, regarding the plan to build the Bener Dam in Purworejo Regency.

Ganjar went to Wadas Village himself, without a tight guard from the police. Ganjar's arrival was warmly welcomed by the people who were already waiting at the Nurul Huda Mosque. There was no tension at all in the meeting.

After performing the midday prayer, Ganjar sat on the terrace of the mosque and started his speech by apologizing to the residents of Wadas Village for the unpleasant incident on Tuesday (8/2).

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