
JAKARTA - The Kembangan Police have arrested GHE (27) and TM (26), two fraud perpetrators with the Debt Collector mode on Jalan Kembangan Raya, RT 01/03, North Kembangan Village, West Jakarta.

The Head of the Kembangan Police, Kompol Binsar H Sianturi, confirmed that his party had arrested the fraudster with the Debt Collector mode.

"The perpetrators amounted to 4 people riding a motorbike and 2 people then dismissed the victim and admitted to leasing (Debt Collector)," said Kompol Binsar when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, February 13.

Kompol Binsar explained that the incident began when the victim named Aris (25) was passing on Jalan Kembangan Raya, RT 01/03, North Kembangan Village, West Jakarta riding a Kawasaki KLX motorbike.

Suddenly the victim was stopped by the perpetrators, totaling 4 people riding 2 motorbikes together.

"The victim was squeezed and after stopping, the perpetrators admitted to leasing and then asked for the victim's license and motorbike," he said.

Binsar continued, the perpetrators after getting the victim's motorbike then took the motorbike and took the victim to a quiet place.

When the victim was about to be taken down by the perpetrator, then the victim fought back and a commotion ensued. At that time there was a buser member who passed by saw the commotion and approached.

Seeing that there were police officers, the perpetrators tried to run away. Two of the four perpetrators were arrested and taken to the Kembangan Police.

Until now, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police is still developing a case to hunt down two other perpetrators who are still at large. The two perpetrators who have been arrested are charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code.

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