
JAKARTA - The relocation of the National Capital City (IKN) from DKI Jakarta in East Kalimantan is the best solution for equitable distribution of the national economy. This statement came from the chairman of the DPW Association of Activists and Citizens (Pandawa) Nusantara, East Kalimantan, Hairul Huda.

"With the birth of the relocation of the capital city, it will be the best solution so that economic equality in Indonesia can be realized," said Huda in the Jakarta Journalist Center (JJC) discussion held online in Jakarta, Saturday, February 12.

Huda admitted that the youths in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) were proud of the plan to move the capital city to their territory. Because by moving the capital city, the people of East Kalimantan can feel the atmosphere of the central government directly.

"We are optimistic about the results of the IKN development. Now let's look together and hope that IKN will be successful and can become an equitable development in East Kalimantan," said Huda.

Regarding the structure of the IKN Authority, said Huda, it is President Joko Widodo's prerogative. However, he hopes that there will be representation of the people of East Kalimantan in the authority.

"So there should not be one-sided interests, because for a cultural approach there must be a regional method that must be agreed upon. East Kalimantan figures have the ability to approach that, so that people's aspirations can be realized," explained Huda.

Furthermore, Huda also highlighted the involvement of the East Kalimantan community in IKN development. This automatically increases the standard of living of the people around IKN.

"Kaltim also has human resources, also has capabilities. So the derivative regulations specifically must empower the community. How about local workers, they must be empowered, don't clash," he said.

Also present in this discussion as speakers were Member of Commission X DPR RI from East Kalimantan, Hetifah Sjaifudian, professor of Pancasila University, Agus Surono, and General Chairperson of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah, Sunanto.

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has also ratified the Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) into law. The IKN bill was agreed upon in the second level decision making at the DPR RI plenary meeting.

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