
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution implemented the E-Catalog system in fixing road infrastructure, drainage, bridges, and others in this area.

"Using the e-catalog, the tender process which could take 40 days plus other processes will be lost. This means that the work will be carried out faster," said Bobby Nasution, Friday, February 11.

In addition to being faster, according to Bobby Nasution, e-catalog aims to ensure that registered companies have no doubt about the quality of their work so that infrastructure improvements are better and last longer.

Bobby expressed the use of the e-catalog system to prevent the presence of impromptu contractors or contractors participating in the auction process or tender for an infrastructure work.

Bobby Nasution doesn't want infrastructure repairs to be carried out by unprofessional contractors, so that it will have an impact on work results that appear to be random.

"By using the e-catalog, companies working on infrastructure must be registered in the e-catalog. This means that the company must have the capacity and quality," Bobby explained.

To note, infrastructure improvement is one of the Five Priority Programs of the Medan City Government that must be completed to provide comfort for residents and support economic improvement.

"Hopefully with the use of the E-Catalog system, infrastructure improvements can be carried out faster," said Bobby Nasution.

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