
SAMPIT - A resident of Sampit, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, who was confirmed positive for COVID-19 who was referred last weekend, has died while being treated at a hospital in Surabaya, East Java. The patient died last night," said the Head of the East Kotawaringin Health Service, Umar Kaderi in Sampit, Friday, February 11. The 74-year-old male patient died on the evening of Wednesday, February 9. The patient has been treated at the Dr Murjani Sampit Hospital since February 3 because he has comorbidities or comorbidities. The patient was then referred to a hospital in Surabaya for more intensive treatment. Patients are referred at the request of the patient's family. The deteriorating condition made the patient finally helpless. Umar appealed to the public to increase vigilance against the threat of COVID-19 transmission. Health protocols must be implemented to prevent transmission.

As of Thursday afternoon, the number of people with COVID-19 being treated has increased to 50, consisting of 48 people undergoing independent isolation and two being treated at the dr Murjani Sampit Hospital. In addition, there was one person with COVID-19 who died. Yesterday there were 11 new cases of COVID-19 sufferers. The distribution of these new cases is in Mentawa Baru District, Ketapang with seven cases, Baamang three cases and Kota Besi one case. The region also urges the public to take vaccinations, either for the first, second or third dose or booster vaccination. The public is welcome to come to the nearest health center and will be served. For the elderly, vaccination will be optimized with a pick-up and drop-off system so that the elderly can easily participate in the vaccination.

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