
PENAJAM - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has prepared a budget of Rp. 364 billion to build supporting infrastructure for clean water supply in the Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. This infrastructure is to meet the clean water needs of the national capital or IKN Nusantara.

"The Ministry of PUPR is building infrastructure to support clean water supply in the form of intake buildings and river transmission pipelines," said the Head of Sepaku Sub-district of North Penajam Paser Regency, Risman Abdul in Penajam, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

The intake is built complete with a water treatment plant (WTP).

The project for the development of the Sepaku River intake and transmission pipeline will be auctioned by the Ministry of PUPR in 2021, with a multi-year financing scheme and development is projected until 2024.

The construction of the river intake and transmission pipelines has the support of the local community, although there are several houses affected by the construction and will be compensated by the central government.

Regarding the price of land affected by the construction of the Sungai Sepaku intake and transmission pipeline, the team will determine the selling value of the assets (appraisal).

"The price determined by the appraisal team is socialized to residents, the sub-district government only helps with socialization and compensation is paid by the central government," he continued.

"The compensation price is determined in the form of land, planting and building residents affected by the construction of the intake and river transmission pipelines," added Risman Abdul.

Mapping of community land for the construction site for the intake capacity of 3,000 liters per second and the river transmission pipeline network has been carried out in 2021, and this year (2022) the stage of land acquisition.

The 18-hectare clean water supply infrastructure development area is located in three sub-districts and villages on the border of Bukit Raya Village, Sepaku Village and Sukaraja Village.

Risman Abdul hopes that the compensation for community land which is included in the construction of the Sepaku River intake and transmission pipeline can be completed by the central government this year.

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