
PAMEKASAN - Pamekasan Police Chief, East Java, AKBP Rogib Triyanto, said he would investigate the possibility of police officers being involved in cases of misappropriation of subsidized fertilizer distribution.

"I have ordered the Pamekasan Police Provos unit to investigate the possibility of individuals involved in the case", he said in Pamekasan, quoted by Antara on Wednesday, February 9.

According to him, this step was taken because the police are also members of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Supervisory Commission (KP3), an institution formed by the government to deal with the distribution of subsidized fertilizers.

Apart from the police, elements of law enforcement institutions who are also involved as supervisors in KP3 are also from the prosecutor's office.

Representatives from the police and the prosecutor's office are members, while the administrators from the government elements, namely the Regional Secretary as advisors and the Assistant for Economics and Development of the Regency Government as chairman.

"Our focus is on the internals of our members, while those from other agencies are the authority of each agency", said the Police Chief.

This statement by the Chief of Police, AKBP Rogib Triyanto, at the same time, straightened out the accusations made by some residents during a demonstration at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters on January 7, 2022, which stated that there were police officers involved in the subsidized fraud case.

"This incident of misuse of subsidized fertilizer distribution is in the jurisdiction of the Tuban Police, however, the Pamekasan Police will help to solve the case", he explained.

The police chief said that apart from investigating the possibility of his subordinates being involved, his party would also help investigate the player on the subsidized fertilizer.

A total of 9 tons of subsidized fertilizer rations for farming communities in Pamekasan are known to have been transferred to Tuban Regency, and this attempt was successfully thwarted by the Tuban Police on January 24, 2022.

The results of the investigation by the Tuban Police stated that the misuse of subsidized fertilizer was carried out by certain individuals to be circulated in Tuban Regency.

The subsidized fertilizer sent from Pamekasan Regency using a truck with the police number M-8285-UB is type ZA, driven by a resident from Palengaan District, Pamekasan, and has been named a suspect by the Tuban Police Criminal Investigation Team.

The allocation for subsidized fertilizer from the central government for farmers spread across 178 villages and 11 sub-districts in 13 sub-districts in Pamekasan Regency in 2022 is 94,659 tons, an increase of 36,716 from 2021 which is only 57,943 tons.

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