Could It Be That PTM Is Making Cases Of COVID-19 In Children Increase Rapidly?
Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash


JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, reported that cases of COVID-19 in children experienced a fairly high trend in the past month.

"Reports from friends at the branch show that there are 10 times more pediatric patients compared to January. The upward trend is extraordinary", said Piprim Basarah Yanuarso in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 9, quoted from Antara.

The trend of increasing cases of COVID-19 in children has increased since January 24, 2022, with as many as 646 patients, January 31 2,775 patients, and February 7 reaching 7,190 patients.

"It means a 300 percent increase", he said.

IDAI appreciates the government's policy of implementing 50 percent face-to-face learning and 50 percent distance learning as well as providing options for parents to choose a safe place to study.

The decision is believed by Piprim to reduce the risk of children falling ill due to COVID-19. "Although some have mild symptoms, don't take it lightly. Serious cases in children have started to be reported", he said.

IDAI urges parents to prepare their children to comply with health procedures, especially children over two years old, wear the correct masks, wash their hands, stay away from crowds and it is not recommended to bring children to the center of the crowd.

"Don't take it to an environment with closed ventilation. Parents need to pay attention to this. If exposed, first don't panic, because panic blocks common sense, so we can't think. Do telecommunications with doctors to monitor danger signs that can be experienced by children", he said.

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