
SURABAYA - As many as 90 volunteers took part in the first clinical trial of the Red and White vaccine at Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. The injection of the Merah Putih vaccine was carried out after obtaining permission and approval from BPOM for clinical trials.

"This Red and White vaccine is included in President Joko Widodo's super priority program towards Indonesia's vaccine independence," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy, during the Kick Off of the Red and White Vaccine Clinical Trial, Wednesday, February.

Muhadjir said the entry of the Red and White vaccine into this clinical trial stage was an extraordinary success for the nation's children. The red and white vaccine is expected to be able to host in its own country and be able to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

"This is a very decisive phase to move forward to the next stage," he said.

Meanwhile, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that the success of the Red and White vaccine to undergo clinical trials was the result of good cooperation between various parties. "Scientifically, Unair is making efforts, while RSUD Dr. Sutomo is conducting trials," he said.

According to Khofifah, this cooperation must be carried out in a complementary manner. He revealed that cooperation will also be carried out with foreign countries in order to get the green light from the world health organization (WHO). "Hopefully the communication with WHO is successful and safe, so that it gets approval from WHO," he said.

After the first and second clinical trials are completed, the next phase three clinical trials can be carried out in April 2022. Then, it was followed by submitting an approval for use, to the POM around mid-July 2022.

The Red and White Vaccine itself has been through research since April 2020, and continues to show good progress. Until now, it is currently entering the first phase of clinical trials.

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