
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued Fatwa Number 3 at the seventh MUI National Conference in 2010 concerning Changes and Perfection of the Genitals. In the fatwa, changing the genitals from male to female or vice versa is unlawful, because it changes Allah's creation.

“Basically, Allah has created humans with perfect physical form. Either physically as male or female," said the Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission, KH Mifahul Huda, quoted from the MUI official website, Tuesday, February 8.

Kiai Miftahul Huda explained, Allah has created humans from male and female, although some of them are imperfect in their gender.

In the study of fiqh, he said, it was called khunsa, namely people who have double genitals. In this study of fiqh, khunsa is divided into two, namely khuntsa musykil and khuntsa ghairu musykil.

"Both of them have double genitals but the one (khuntsa) ghairu musykil has a tendency towards one of the sexes being stronger. For example, urine comes out of the penis or vice versa from the vagina," he said.

While khuntsa is abstruse, he said, it is very difficult to know whether he is a man or a woman. Kiai Miftahul Huda said that usually abstruse khuntsa can only be known after adulthood or puberty by showing physical signs. Like women who are characterized by large physical hips or breasts that expand. While men are characterized by mustache and other fur.

Kiai Miftahul reminded that what is not allowed is mukhannats or whose behavior is different from their gender. It is highly condemned in Islam. Allah SWT cursed men who behave like women and vice versa.

For this reason, kiai Miftahul said that it is legal to perfect the genitals for those who have double genitals or khuntsa.

"Remember to perfect, not replace the genitals. For example, he has dual genitals, but his physical tendencies are more male, perfected to become a male or vice versa, it is permissible," he said.

Meanwhile, for changing the genitals, either by surgery or hormone injection, kiai Miftahul Huda emphasized that it should not be done and the law is haram because it changes Allah's creation.

Kiai Miftahul Huda explained that many fiqh laws are related to khuntsa, starting from covering the genitals, where to pray or not to become an imam or not for men or women.

Then, whether the marriage is male or female, the distribution of inheritance, and including the management of his body when he dies.

"How to bathe it, shroud it, pray it, then it is returned to its initial status when it was born. That is if the transgender changes their genitals. So it is returned to the origin of its creation, namely whether he is male or female," he said.

He appealed to Muslims to always be grateful for Allah's creation given to us. God has the power to create us perfectly or imperfectly. For those who are imperfect, such as those who have multiple genitals, there are many solutions in the literature on fiqh studies.

He reminded that Islamic law strictly forbids its followers to behave against their nature. For example, if you are a male but behave like a female or vice versa, this is strictly prohibited by religion.

"And such a trait is that it can lead to mental illness that must be avoided and can encourage someone to do things that are forbidden by Allah SWT, such as homosexuals, both lesbi and gay," he said.

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