
JAKARTA - Bureaucratic reform is a medium for carrying out national development, as a way to realize a World Class Bureaucracy which is characterized by increasingly quality public services and more efficient and effective governance.

There are three targets for bureaucratic reform, namely a clean and accountable bureaucracy, a capable bureaucracy and excellent public services.

Main Secretary of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Tavip Agus Rayanto, said his party was continuing to improve the three sectors.

"We continue to improve on these three targets, the achievement of the indicators, today also coincides with the achievement of the BKKBN, especially in the BKKBN Secretariat environment obtaining ISO 37001:2016 as an implementation of the development of an Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) culture. " said Tavip in an official statement, Tuesday, February 8.

"In addition, on the target of a capable bureaucracy, BKKBN received an award from KASN as a BKKBN institution as the only LPNK that implements the Merit System in Very Good ASN Management with a score of 364.5 with an index of 0.88," he said. Senior Vice President of the Commercial Directorate of PT. Sucofindo Yerry Taizar congratulated all ranks of BKKBN on obtaining the Certificate of Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) SNI ISO 37001:2016 with the scope of all work spaces within the Main Secretariat of BKKBN.

"The ISO Management System Standard is a tool to ensure that a process runs consistently," said Yerry.

On the same occasion the Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo said in his remarks, "Hopefully the acquisition of this certificate will serve as an example for other work units within the BKKBN, of course our hope is to set an example for others. ISO 37001 : 2016 as an implementation of the development of an Anti-Bribery Management System culture, this anti-bribery culture is an effort to anti-corruption behavior. The units that have received ISO include: Main Inspectorate, Main Secretariat, East Java BKKBN Representative, BKKBN Representative Bangka Belitung. Once again I congratulate and thank the unit that has received ISO 37001:2016," said Hasto.

“What is called Bureaucratic Reform, this is a form of revolution, the difference between revolution and innovation is clearly evident, that in that revolution there is a change in mindset, so revolution is synonymous with change of your mindset. Therefore, we must both be able to appreciate that in bureaucratic reform it is not only the bureaucracy, the technocracy that changes, but there is a changing mindset," added Dr. Hasto.

Meanwhile, the Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision, Kemenpan RB Prof. Erwan Agus Purwanto said when delivering his Keynote Speech, "To ensure that Bureaucratic Reform is carried out by all government agencies every year, the Pan RB Ministry has carried out an evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform in 86 Ministries/Agencies, 34 Provincial Governments and 504 Regency/City Governments. This evaluation produces the RB Index which describes the progress of government agencies in creating a better bureaucracy,” explained Erwan.

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