
CENTRAL LOMBOK - The Mandalika Area Land Acceleration Task Force (Satgas) held mediation between the residents and ITDC to clarify and verify the factual documents and land files held by both parties. (Last Monday) there are two land objects that we mediate first," said the Head of the Task Force, Kombes Pol. Awan Hariono in a written statement in Praya, Tuesday, February 8. The land objects are claims on behalf of Migarse and Dirate whose land is claimed by Kartini's son-in-law. "At the same time, we will clarify and verify the factual documents and land data," he said. He explained that the verification and clarification process itself would be carried out in stages. During the process, the task force itself invited all relevant elements. Starting from elements of community leaders to elements of local government, even at the time of clarification and verification for the first two lands, the Regional Secretary of Loteng, L. Firman Wijaya was present directly with the Head of Pujut District, representatives of community leaders and elements of the village government. run openly and transparently. Nothing is covered up. But while still paying attention to the prevailing norms and rules," he said. Awan said that the completion of the two land claims was a super priority for his party. Considering its location on the Mandalika international circuit. While the rest of the other land objects will also be a priority to be completed as soon as possible. Jumardin, said that for the land object claimed by Migarse, there has been a final legal decision from the court. The case had previously been disputed in court. The final decision was won by ITDC. So that there is no land issue for the land claimed by Migarse. "In a sense, ITDC can use or carry out activities on the land," he said. As for the land object that is claimed to belong to Dirate, it was decided to return it to the party who submitted the claim first. To determine who the heirs are most entitled to the land, through the Religious Courts (PA). Because the land is claimed by Kartini, who is the son-in-law of the Dirate. Later, after a decision from the PA regarding the rightful heirs, that will submit a claim to ITDC. determine beforehand through the religious court, who is the most entitled heir to the claimed land,” he said. Likewise, the issue of land claims should not hinder the development process on these lands. So the development process can still run according to the plan that has been determined by the ITDC. Separately, the Head of Pujut, L. Sungkul, appreciates the performance of the Mandalika SEZ Land Settlement Task Force. According to him, it is a form of attention to land problems experienced by the community. That the government is trying its best to solve community problems, without eliminating people's rights, especially those related to land issues. And, this Task Force is one of the efforts made by the government to find problems as well as find solutions to existing land claims," he said

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