
Jakarta - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Ono Surono suggested that the government establish a task force (task) to oversee the recent shortage of subsidized fertilizers. the same as combining various related agencies," said Ono Surono in a written statement in Jakarta, Monday, February 7. involving the Ministry of Agriculture, provincial agriculture office, district/city agriculture office, sub-district head, village head, gapoktan, and APK. Just create a Fertilizer Task Force or Task Force," he said. Surono admitted that he was not surprised by the recent scarcity of subsidized fertilizers because data on the supply and distribution of subsidized fertilizers has been problematic since the beginning.

So far, he said, the fertilizer trade system was chaotic. Starting from the electronic Definitive Plan for Group Needs (e-RDKK), the amount can be 2.5 times that prepared by the Government so that in the end the entitled farmers do not get fertilizer. Surono's statement at least refers to the 2020 RDKK, there are around 13.9 million farmers who proposed fertilizer. This PDI-P politician said the amount they proposed was 26.2 million tons. However, the government only met their needs of 8.9 million tons. This condition, he said, made fertilizer distribution ineffective, and then market mechanisms controlled fertilizer prices.

He stated that this condition caused a lot of data, especially the names of farmers already listed in the RDKK, not getting fertilizer. This in turn has an impact on the problem of data accuracy in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. The point of weakness until there is a shortage of subsidized fertilizers, according to Surono, starts with the data, then elements, ranging from agents to distributors who ultimately distribute fertilizer not based on existing data. Therefore, he continued, the solution that must be improved by the government is the validity of the fertilizer demand data. The data must be valid, including the farmers who are entitled to receive it. "First, the data on fertilizer needs must be corrected. The government must be consistent in making valid data," he said. get, or vice versa, farmers who are entitled but they do not get. After the recipient data is truly valid and accurate, he said, the budget prepared by the government must also be sufficient and in accordance with the data submitted. right, prepare a sufficient budget to meet the fertilizer needs," he said. Next, the third is strict supervision of distributors and agents or kiosks.

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