
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force continues to announce an increase in positive cases of COVID-19 every day. In fact, as of February 6, the figure reached 36,057 for all regions of Indonesia.

Especially for Jakarta, 15,825 positive cases have been added. This figure is very high when compared to the last few days.

However, behind the addition of COVID-19 cases, it was revealed that there were rampant violations of health protocols (prokes), especially in cafes and nightclubs.

Thousands of Offenders

Head of DKI Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin said his party had taken action against food and beverage businesses that violated health protocols.

The place of business was found to have violated the provisions for limiting operating hours, limiting the capacity of the place and using the QR Care Application.

It was recorded that during the last month or throughout January 2022, there were 6,962 restaurants and cafes that violated health protocols.

"Out of 6,962 places to eat and drink, 356 of them were taken with a total fine of Rp. 10.5 million," said Arifin in his statement, Friday, February 4.

During January 2022, the DKI Provincial Government also found violations in 155 offices and 5,885 other business places with a total fine of Rp. 20 million. Then, 170 disbandments were also carried out at event locations that caused crowds.

Then, it was recorded that 38,519 people were prosecuted for not wearing masks, of which 38,073 people underwent social work sanctions and 446 people paid administrative fines which were deposited into the regional treasury.

"We are more focused on monitoring places that are prone to crowds, namely in public spaces such as city parks, traditional markets, shopping centers, and tourist attraction areas," said Arifin.

Police Enforcement

The Directorate of Narcotics Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police who participated in monitoring the implementation of the health program also noted that there were still many violations. Evidently, three bars or nightclubs were sealed because they violated the policy for the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

"Three cafes, namely Odin on Jalan Senopati, CODE in W Home Senopati and Dronk on Jalan Kemang Raya. We have sealed and installed police lines," said Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol Mukti Juharsa.

Mukti explained that all this series of sealing took place on Thursday, February 3. Officers came to Odin's bar at 00.20 WIB, CODE in W Home Senopati at 01.05 WIB and Dronk at 01.50 WIB and when checked, it was found that there were still many visitors and violations of operating hours.

In addition to sealing the three bars, the police team also conducted random mass swab tests on employees and visitors at three locations.

As a result, it was found that one visitor at the CODE in W Home Bar Senopati was reactive to COVID-19.

"One person who was reactive for COVID-19 was then directed to isolation," said Mukti.

There's No Kapok

Of the several cafes or entertainment venues, ODIN Bar is the highlight. Because I have broken the rules several times.

Mukti said that at least 4 times ODIN Bar had been prosecuted for violating the operational time limit. Three of these violations occurred in 2021 and once on February 3, 2022.

Temporary sealing sanctions have also been given. However, the ODIN manager seems stubborn.

Therefore, the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya will write to the Regional Government (Pemda) of DKI Jakarta regarding the violation of health protocols (prokes) by ODIN Bar. The letter contains a recommendation to impose sanctions on ODIN Bar.

"Yes, we wrote to the local government," Mukti.

Meanwhile, for criminal sanctions, Mukti is still investigating. A number of checks were carried out.

"We are still investigating the crime," said Mukti.

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