
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has issued a policy related to the implementation of worship/religious activities in places of worship after the spike in COVID-19 cases.

This rule is contained in the Circular of the Minister of Religion Number SE. 04 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Worship/Religious Activities in Places of Worship During PPKM Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 Covid-19, Optimization of Covid-19 Handling Posts at the Village and Sub-District Levels, and Implementation of the 5M Health Protocol.

"We have re-issued a circular in order to prevent and break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 which is currently increasing with the emergence of the Omicron variant. The circular is also to provide a sense of security and comfort to the public in carrying out worship activities by implementing the 5M health protocol during the period of the restriction. community activities (PPKM)," explained Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Sunday, February 6, quoted from the ministry's website.

"The circular was issued with the aim of providing guidance for stakeholders and religious communities in carrying out worship/religious activities and implementing the 5M health protocol in places of worship during the PPKM period," he continued.

This circular is addressed to Middle High Leadership Officers, Central Pratama High Leaders, Chancellor/Chairman of PTKN, Provincial Head of Regional Ministry of Religion, Head of Regency/City Ministry of Religion, Head of Madrasah/Head of Religious Education Unit, Head of Sub-District Office of Religious Affairs, Penghulu and Religious Counselors, ASN Ministry of Religion , Leaders of Religious Organizations, Management and managers of places of worship, as well as all religious people in Indonesia.

The provisions in this circular contain four things, namely: places of worship, administrators and managers of places of worship, congregations, as well as outreach and monitoring schemes.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (Photo via Ministry of Religion)

The following are the provisions of circular No SE 04 of 2022:

1. Places of Worship. Places of worship in regencies/cities in the Java and Bali regions: 1) Level 3, can hold congregational worship activities during PPKM with a maximum congregation of 50% of capacity and a maximum of 50 congregations by implementing stricter health protocols; 2) Level 2, can holding congregational worship activities during PPKM with a maximum number of congregations of 75% of capacity and a maximum of 75 congregations by implementing stricter health protocols; 3) Level 1, can hold congregational worship activities during PPKM with a maximum congregation of 75% of capacity by implementing stricter health protocols.

b. Places of worship in regencies/cities in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua: 1) Level 3, can hold congregational worship activities during the PPKM period with a maximum congregation of 50% of capacity and a maximum of 50 people by implementing the protocol more stringent health care; 2) Level 2, can hold congregational worship activities during the PPKM period with a maximum congregation of 75% of capacity and a maximum of 75 people by implementing more stringent health protocols; and 3) Level 1, can hold congregational worship activities during the PPKM period with a maximum number of congregations of 75% of capacity by implementing more stringent health protocols.

2. Managers and Managers of Places of Worship. The administrators and managers of places of worship are obliged to: 1) provide officers to inform and supervise the implementation of the 5M Health Protocol; 2) carry out body temperature checks for each congregation using a body temperature measuring device (thermogun); 3) provide hand sanitizers and facilities for washing hands using soap with running water; 4) providing a backup of medical masks; 5) prohibiting congregants in unsanitary conditions from participating in worship activities; 6) setting the distance between congregations to a minimum of 1 meter by placing a special mark on the floor, yard, or chair; 7) not operating/distributing charity boxes, infaq, collection bags, or donations to the congregation; 8) ensuring that there are no crowds before and after the implementation of worship/religious activities by regulating access to and entering the congregation; 9) routinely disinfecting the room for the implementation of worship/religious activities;10 ) ensure that the place of worship has good ventilation and sunlight can enter and if using air conditioner (AC) it must be cleaned regularly; 11) carry out worship/religious activities for a maximum of 1 hour; and 12) ensure that the implementation of sermons, lectures, or tausiyah must fulfill the following conditions: a) preachers, lecturers, priests, priests, priests, pedandas, or clergy wear masks and face shields properly and correctly; b) preachers, lecturers, priests, the priest, priest, pedanda, or clergyman delivers a sermon with a maximum duration of 15 minutes; and c) preachers, lecturers, priests, priests, priests, pedandas, or clergy remind the congregation to always maintain health and comply with health protocols. b. The administrators and managers of places of worship prepare, socialize, and simulate the use of the PeduliLindung application.

3. Congregation Congregation: a. use masks properly and correctly; b. maintain hand hygiene; c. keep a distance of 1 (one) meter from other congregants; d. in a healthy condition (body temperature below 37 degrees Celsius); e. not currently undergoing self-isolation; f. bring their respective worship/religious equipment (prayer mat, mukena, etc.); g. avoiding physical contact or shaking hands; h. not just returned from a trip outside the area; dani. Those aged 60 years and over and pregnant/breastfeeding mothers are advised to worship at home.

4. Socialization and Monitoring Socialization, Monitoring, Coordination, and Reporting of Middle High Leadership Officials, Central Primary High Leadership Officials, Rector/Chairman of State Religious Universities, Head of Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religion, Head of Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office, Head of Madrasah/Head Religious Education Unit, Head of Sub-district Religious Affairs Office, Penghulu, and Religious Counselor, as well as State Civil Apparatus employees at the Ministry of Religion:

a. continue intensively socializing the Instruction of the Minister of Religion Number 1 of 2021 concerning Discipline Improvement in the Implementation of Health Protocols in the Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 at the Ministry of Religion; b. carry out socialization and monitoring of the implementation of this Circular; c. in carrying out monitoring, coordinating with Work Unit Leaders, Government Leaders, Covid-19 Handling Task Forces, and security forces; and D. report the implementation of socialization, monitoring, and coordination as referred to in letter a, letter b, and letter c to the Head of the Work Unit or Work Unit in stages.

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