
JAKARTA - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, has utilized various social media platforms and complaint numbers to the best of his ability to hear, accommodate and find out various problems experienced by the community.

If this resident's problem requires quick handling, Gibran does not hesitate to step in to provide assistance or further mitigate it through the relevant agencies.

One of the things that made an impression on Gibran's memory about services occurred when the Delta variant of COVID-19 was at its highest in Solo. Residents, whether in centralized or independent isolation areas, do not hesitate to ask for their needs directly through the complaint number.

"Surely we support, for example groceries and others. We want to make sure that while they are in self-isolation they (citizens, ed) are not hungry. If centralized isolation is guaranteed, it will be guaranteed," said Gibran when appearing as a guest star on Youtube Cokro TV, 'Gibran for Jakarta? Have a sip of coffee,' reported on Sunday, January 6.

There is a funny story when providing services for residents who are self-isolating (isoman) or centralized. For example, there are residents who ask for sanitary napkins because they only live alone at home until the gas cylinder.

"We will definitely send the basic necessities through the Linmas or related agencies, or when people are in quarantine they can't go anywhere, so yesterday there were a lot. For example, mas, we already got our groceries but the LPG ran out, we sent it," said Gibran .

"Sir, I'm alone at home, I'm sorry the sanitary pads are out, we'll send it. It's okay, it's a service. His name is a young man," said Gibran.

It's different for residents who are in centralized isolation locations. For food needs, Gibran ensures it is well catered for. However, on several occasions, residents asked that the food menu be changed because they were bored.

"Yes, we go one by one. This must be responded to quickly. Or someone asks for the fruits to be replaced. We change others until the internet is not fast enough. We (Solo City Government, ed) come, we hurry," said Gibran.

Not only that, the complaint numbers to Gibran's private messages on social media are also used to share personal problems. Residents do not hesitate to talk about household relations, to buying and selling cats and so on.

Gibran said that various complaints from residents through the complaint number or social media channels were collected and examined further every day. In his spare time, Gibran took part in checking the incoming messages one by one. If a quick response is needed, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will step in.

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