
SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi is grateful that the case of teacher violence against students at SMP Negeri 49 Surabaya ended peacefully after the student's parents withdrew their report at the Surabaya Polrestabes.

"I thank you very much, we were given an example by Mr. Ali (parents of students who were victims of violence) that Surabaya residents forgive each other. If there are shortcomings and mistakes, how to fix those mistakes so that they become even better," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya quoted Between, Saturday, February 5th.

It is known that the case of violence experienced by MR, a student of SMPN 49 Surabaya who was the victim of a JS teacher beating ended peacefully after the victim's parents, Ali Muhjayin went to the Surabaya Police Station to withdraw the report on Friday, February 4. In fact, the teacher and the victim's family have forgiven each other and agreed to stop the case.

From the start, Mayor Eri had paid special attention to the case. In fact, he also visited the victim's school and house on Jalan Kutisari Utara Gang 3. He was grateful that this case ended peacefully and they were able to forgive each other.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday Pak Ali said he would go to istikhara when I came to his house. I said, Pak Ali is a pious person, his life is full of religion, so at that time he said he would withdraw it (the report)," said Eri.

He said that fellow human beings should indeed forgive each other. Moreover, humans cannot be separated from mistakes. For him, this has also been shown by Ali Muhjayin's family by withdrawing the report to the Surabaya Police Station and forgiving the teacher.

Mayor Eri considered that this case is proof that the citizens of Surabaya City have a high sense of empathy and mutual cooperation. He hopes that this incident can serve as a lesson and an example for the residents.

For Eri, when building Surabaya was done by someone with a heart like Ali Muhjayin, then he is sure that the City of Heroes will become even greater than it is today.

"The sense of empathy, mutual cooperation and tepo seliro are shown in the city of Surabaya. Hopefully this can be an example for me personally, the mayor, in general as well as for all citizens of Surabaya," he said.

Regarding the administrative process for the JS teacher, Mayor Eri stated that this process is still ongoing and is being handled by the Surabaya Inspectorate. He will also conduct psychological tests on the teacher, so that students can be more comfortable.

"God willing, when Mr. Ali has withdrawn the report at the police station, we will also consider that. So that in the future the teacher will also be given the opportunity so that this can be a true lesson, so there will be no more teacher violence against students," he explained.

Meanwhile, Ali Muhjayin's parents admitted that they had withdrawn the police report and forgave the teacher. Because from the start, he only wanted to fight for the world of education. Not only about the education of their children, but in a broad sense for the future of Indonesian education.

"In a sense, I want to carry out my obligations from a father, it educates my children and instills, when I can't teach formal knowledge, I still teach them manners, forgive each other and have a big heart," said Ali.

Moreover, JS teachers have been considered as second parents who have educated their children at school. According to him, JS teachers have good intentions to educate their children. It's just because they are emotional, so they do this.

"Pak JS remains as a parent of my student, of course my parents too. So I have an obligation to look after and respect Pak JS," he said.

Not to forget, Ali also thanked the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi, who from the start had given special attention to his family.

"We as citizens, we as his children thank him profusely for the extraordinary care and attention from him. This is extraordinary for our family," he said.

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