
JAKARTA - Islamic boarding school practitioner who is also the Secretary of the Indonesian Ulema Council (BPET MUI) Counterterrorism Agency (BPET MUI) M Najih Arromadloni (Gus Najih) asked the public to be vigilant and selective in choosing Islamic boarding schools for the education of their children. Founder of the Center for Research and Islamic Studies (CRIS) ) The Foundation, in a written statement received by Antara, Saturday, February 5, regretted the phenomenon of the emergence of new Islamic boarding schools which only formally took the name pesantren, but the curriculum, education system and even the yellow book learning were not included in it. parties must be wary of educational institutions under the guise of pesantren. “This is to build vigilance from all parties, both government and community stakeholders. The point is that people should be more selective in choosing pesantren," explained Gus Najih, his nickname. Where is the sanad or scientific tradition going?” he said.

According to him, it is also necessary to investigate the affiliation of the pesantren with community organizations (ormas). Also, the openness of the pesantren to the surrounding community is a point that must be considered in order to avoid suspicion that the pesantren is exclusive. It is also necessary to look at the track record or track record of the pesantren. He considered that a mistake in choosing an Islamic boarding school would actually have a long impact that would affect and be dangerous for the sustainability of this nation. Especially now that transnational ideologies are rampant as a result of advances in information technology. And that has been the reality of the world of Islamic boarding schools throughout the history of the archipelago,” he said. Gus Najih continued, in fact, so far, pesantren have played a major role in the history of the archipelago. Pesantren has produced many of the nation's main figures from among the santri. So indeed pesantren is one of the unique educational reserves of the archipelago,” he said. He revealed, the uniqueness of such pesantren cannot be found in other countries. Moreover, this pesantren in the archipelago has its own style and culture. As Gus Dur said, pesantren is a subculture of Indonesian culture which is very diverse," said the Ahmad Kuftaro University Damascus Syrian Alumni. existing in Indonesia. With such a large number, he considered the need for strict regulations to oversee the existence of Islamic boarding schools. - Islamic boarding schools under organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) or Muhammadiyah have already been licensed by their mass organizations and are well known to the public as large moderate mass organizations. That's why it's important for the government to involve mass organizations or communities that interact directly with Islamic boarding schools. government which is considered appropriate in dealing with the growing phenomenon of radicalism. Especially in involving many religious organizations, ulama and community leaders. “I see that the government, through the BNPT, has formed a Task Force for Interfaith Leaders, whose members consist of various figures from various religious organizations in Indonesia. This shows the government's commitment to work with Islamic boarding schools in overcoming radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia," said Gus Najih.

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