
JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Maria Ulfah Anshor emphasized that domestic violence (KDRT) does not only happen to women but to men. Although, there aren't too many of them.

"Of course there are men who have experienced it. We also have it in our report," said Maria when contacted by Antara in Jakarta, Friday, February 4.

Based on Komnas Perempuan data, in 2020 regarding household dynamics during the pandemic, the number of women who experienced violence was 90 compared to 10.

This means that 90 percent of victims of domestic violence are women and 10 percent are men.

"The victims are not only husbands but also grandfathers, uncles or sons in the family," he explained.

Meanwhile, based on the number of complaints received by Komnas Perempuan related to violence against women, around 5,000 cases are reported every year. With details of 30 percent in the form of physical violence, 30 percent sexual violence and the rest are psychological.

Maria explained that there are two root causes that always cause domestic violence, namely the existence of an unequal power relationship between the perpetrator and the victim as well as the existence of a patriarchal culture.

In relation to inequality, usually the actor will feel more powerful because he has a certain advantage. In the social or economic field, for example, so that the victim is considered to have a dependency both materially and in other ways.

“Especially if the matter of education, for example, is lower, from an economic perspective, for example, the husband is richer than the woman. This is usually a factor that triggers violence, especially against women," said Maria.

Meanwhile, in the patriarchal culture which is considered still deeply rooted in society, it is considered that if women do not obey to do something, then the form of beating and shouting by husbands on wives is not a problem that must be addressed.

Maria said that violence should not occur, because marriage aims to create a harmonious domestic life, creating inner and outer peace.

He hopes that domestic violence can be eliminated, through a change in perspective in overcoming these problems, so that a life that respects each other can be constructed, both between humans and even nature.

“In this condition, there must be a change in the perspective that in the household it must be equal. Husband and wife are realistically equal, husband has a good relationship, his wife must also have a good relationship, "said Maria.

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