
TANGERANG - The Mayor of Tangerang, Arief R Wismansyah, admitted that the number of COVID-19 cases had soared. Currently, his party has taken firm steps by implementing Distance Learning (PJJ) to Work From Home (WFH).

"We have already taken steps, for example in Tangerang City, all have PJJ, the WFH office, we are accelerating the booster," he told reporters in Tangerang District, Tangerang City, Thursday, February 3.

Arief said that the party had taken anticipatory steps regarding the increasing number of COVID-19 in his area by accelerating booster vaccines throughout the Tangerang City area. This is done to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, Arief explained that his party had prepared a scenario to anticipate COVID-19. by adding the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR).

However, if it is based on the rules from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), it will only start adding if the occupancy is above 70 percent.

"Right now, actually at 49 percent, this is still quite adequate, but we have prepared a scenario, (if) the Ministry of Health has a circular if it is above 70 percent, it will continue to be prepared for additions. Now we have prepared the addition," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Concentrated Isolation House (RIT), his party will increase the capacity at SMP 30, Pinang, Tangerang City.

"We are also speeding up the junior high school, related to human resources for health workers, we are now focusing on pursuing boosters. That's why we increase the capacity (RIT) with SMP 30," he said.

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