
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asked the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Pasar owned by the regional government to repair the facilities of the 52 traditional markets in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

"As a manager, I have to be responsible, I don't want any excuses. I hope this inadequate facility must be repaired immediately," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, Thursday, February 3.

Bobby Nasution admitted that his party had checked the conditions and facilities owned by Pasar Petisah as a traditional market, which has always been a complaint by traders and buyers.

A number of facilities owned by Pasar Petisah were damaged, including roof tiles that were leaking and almost collapsed and the cooler was not working. In fact, traders are required to pay the building maintenance fee of IDR 1 million/month.

For information, PT Gunung Karya Kencana Sentosa (GKSS) is listed as the manager of the Petisah Market which was damaged, thus disturbing the convenience of traders and buyers.

"Give a warning letter to PT GKSS. If it is ignored three times, just take over. Default," said Bobby Nasution.

President Director of Perumda Pasar, Suwarno, said that his party would follow up on the instructions of the Mayor of Medan as a follow-up to make improvements to the Petisah Market.

"We ask PT GKKS to immediately repair the damaged area of the building and the results of the guardian's review are not worthy. We have sent a warning letter, and the letter was sent today," he said.

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