
KENDARI - Police arrested three men in North Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi for allegedly trying to make a fake driver's license (SIM) in the local area.

North Kolaka Police Chief AKBP Mohammad Yosa Hadi said the three suspects had the initials MK (25), A (34), and I (18).

"The three of them were arrested this morning at around 09.30 WITA on suspicion of a criminal act of simulating a driver's license perpetrated by the Constitutional Court and his friends," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 3.

He explained, initially on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at around 13.00 WITA a man named Riswandi came to the Kolaka Police Station to take care of the Police Records Certificate (SKCK).

"When Riswandi took care of the SKCK, he was asked by police officers to show his identity, and at that time Riswandi showed the General B2 SIM he had," he said.

However, when the police officers checked the driver's license, there were many differences. At that time, the police interrogated Riswandi regarding his B2 General SIM.

"Riswandi admitted that he got the General B2 SIM from the suspect MK whose address is Amoe Village, North Pakue District, North Kolaka Regency, which he bought for Rp. 500 thousand," he said.

From this information, the North Kolaka Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately headed to North Pakue District to arrest MK.

At the time the MK was arrested, Hadi said again, the police also arrested suspects A and I who acted as searchers for the person who would make a General B2 SIM.

At the time of the arrest, the police also confiscated evidence of a white Asus XM200 type laptop, a keyboard, a black Epson L360 printer, a B2 General SIM in the name of Riswandi, a B2 General SIM in the name of I, and three units of mobile phones.

The perpetrators and evidence were secured and brought to the North Kolaka Police Headquarters for further legal proceedings.

The three of them were charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code regarding the manufacture of fake letters with a penalty of six years in prison.

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