
JAKARTA - The spike in COVID-19 cases has prompted the Ministry of Religion to take quick steps. The ministry has again implemented work from home/WFH for all its employees for the next week.

The Ministry of Religion will also carry out a 3rd or booster dose of vaccination for its employees. This policy is contained in the Circular of the Secretary General No. SE 5 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Building Decontamination and the 3rd Dose of Vaccination for Employees of the Ministry of Religion. This SE was signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, Nizar, on February 2, 2022.

The circular is addressed to all leaders of the central Echelon I Unit of the Ministry of Religion, Expert Staff and Special Staff, as well as Heads of Bureaus and Heads of Center at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Religion.

"To prevent an increase in positive cases of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant at the central Ministry of Religion office and to restore the immunity of the employees of the central Ministry of Religion, it is necessary to decontaminate the building and vaccinate the 3rd dose for employees of the Ministry of Religion," said Nizar in Jakarta, Thursday 3 February.

"The circular was issued to regulate the implementation of building decontamination and the 3rd dose of vaccination for employees of the central Ministry of Religion," Nizar continued, quoted from the ministry's website.

The decontamination of the building will be carried out from 3 - 9 February 2022. During the decontamination process, all employees of the central Ministry of Religion make adjustments to the work system in a work from home / WFH manner.

"Starting February 10, 2022, every Echelon I Work Unit will implement a 25% Work From Office (WFO) employee work system and 75% WFH until further notice," he said.

"Every employee is required to record attendance and fill out daily performance record reports online at," he continued.

Employees who enter the office after 100% WFH, said Nizar, must ensure that they are free from Covid-19. They must bring evidence of a negative PCR result for a maximum of 1 x 24 hours.

"In the circular, it is regulated that every echelon I work unit must facilitate all employees to carry out the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test before entering the office and the results must be negative," he said.

For the 3rd dose (booster) vaccination, Nizar said that it would be held on February 14-23 2022 at the Ministry of Religion Building Jl MH Thamrin No 6 Central Jakarta, starting at 09.00 WIB until finished.

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