
JAKARTA - A number of board equipment (AKD) in the DPR RI took the initiative to temporarily lockdown and eliminate agendas, both meetings, and other activities. This step was taken following a large number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Parliament.

It is known, national COVID-19 cases have recently increased. The Ministry of Health has officially declared that Indonesia has entered the third wave of COVID-19.

For the DPR itself, there were nine members of the council and 80 employees including experts who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 as of Wednesday, February 2, noon.

"Indeed, the overall initiative to lock down each council's equipment is the initiative of each AKD," said DPR Secretary-General Indra Iskandar at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Wednesday, February 2.

Indra said a number of AKDs had started to lockdown.

"I have heard that it is in the MKD, in Commission I, even in the leadership workspace on the 4th floor, since last week until next week it will be evaluated. This means that a lockdown is being carried out as well," said Indra.

Indra said, overall the leadership of the DPR has directed it related to working visits and meeting activities of DPR members. However, regarding the lockdown, Indra emphasized that it was an initiative of each AKD.

"Last January 24, the leadership of the DPR, the chairwoman, had given directions to remind all AKDs that the mechanism for activities in the DPR would be controlled. Now for the Secretariat General, a circular was issued on January 26 that the maximum WFH and WFO activities are 50 percent," Indra explained.

"Then for working hours as well, we limit it to 15.30 on weekdays, Friday until 15.00," he continued.

Indra said there were at least 9 members of the DPR RI and 80 PNS employees of the DPR RI as well as experts who were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"Regarding our tracing within the DPR, currently what is being carried out through our lab are 9 positive DPR members and 80 people from PPNS employees, and council experts," said Indra.

Indra said council members who were exposed to COVID-19 had undergone self-quarantine at their respective homes. However, two are still reluctant to reveal who the board members are exposed to COVID-19.

Commissions Avoid Meetings with Physical Attendance

Commission I of the DPR has canceled both work meetings (Raker) and public hearings (RDPU) this week as a result of several of its members being exposed to the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

"This week's Commission I has no agenda for a meeting within the DPR," said Chairman of Commission I DPR, Meutya Hafid, Wednesday, February 2.

He revealed, until now there are 5 members of Commission I who have been exposed to COVID-19. One of them is Meutya who is the leader.

In addition, there are three members of the secretariat of Commission I who were also exposed to the virus that first appeared in Wuhan, China.

"I along with 5 other members of Commission I tested positive for COVID-19. Also 3 members of the secretariat team of Commission I," said Meutya.

Similarly, Commission III of the DPR has also temporarily suspended activities, known as Lockdown, as a result of the increased transmission of COVID-19 within the parliament. The legal commission implemented a lockdown starting Thursday, February 2.

Previously, the Honorary Court of the Council (MKD), Commission I of the DPR, and the room of the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR on the 4th floor of the Nusantara 3 Building had already implemented this rule.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Prince Khairul Saleh, said that the temporary lockdown was due to several commission members who tested positive for COVID-19.

"So starting tomorrow according to the leadership's direction and all leaders agree that we are on a temporary lockdown," Prince told reporters on Wednesday, February 2.

Even so, the PAN politician said, the meeting activities were still carried out in a hybrid manner. Considering that there are still two meeting agendas in Commission III of the DPR.

"There are still two meetings left, only if our meeting continues on schedule," said the Prince.

Although the attendance capacity of meeting members was reduced, Prince added, the meeting would be held with strict health protocols (prokes).

Regarding the number of members and staff in Commission III who were exposed, Prince did not know for sure.

"There are several members of Commission III, experts as well," he concluded.

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