TANGERANG - The Pasar Lama culinary area, Tangerang City, starting today, Wednesday 2 February, will be temporarily closed. Because the stall was closed, the merchant chose to go home.
Pasar Lama area, Tangerang is closed from February 2 to 7. This is due to the increasing number of COVID-19 in Tangerang City.
Monitoring VOI at the Pasar Lama location, Wednesday, February 2, at 15.00 WIB, only a few traders were seen opening their stalls.
You can see the COVID-19 post containing dozens of officers from the TNI-Police to the Tangerang City Civil Service Police Unit. The officers just started clearing the area at 15.30 WIB. The merchants began to tidy up their stalls.

One of the traders, Riki, admitted that he was disadvantaged by the regulation. He said he would return home to find another business. Later, when the situation in Tangerang City starts to return to normal.
"How about it, it's a loss, yes. I can't work (trade) so I want to go home first until it's opened", he said.
Riki also explained that he had only just learned of the rules for closing the area where he traded. He admitted that he only got the information after being asked to close his stall.
"I don't know if I told them to close. I just sold them", he said.
Another trader, Wildan, said the same thing. He felt aggrieved by the existence of these regulations. But he could not do much about the regulations. So choose to close the trade.
"I'm saying it's a loss, it's a loss, mas. But how else can I be told to close", he said.
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