
JAKARTA - The political maneuvers of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, were increasingly visible when he visited the activities of three political parties, namely Nasdem, PAN, and PPP.

On January 22, Anies attended the Nasdem national dialogue in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Then, Anies also attended the PAN event entitled "Zulhas Award" on January 29. Then, on January 31, Anies attended PPP's birthday celebration in Yogyakarta.

Seeing this, political observer from Al-Azhar University, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that Anies' intimate action with the three parties was a normal phenomenon in politics.

In a sense, ahead of the 2024 General Election, parties that have so far not endorsed their presidential candidates will look for figures with qualified electability.

"Parties have a presidential candidate, will miss and need a potential presidential candidate. One of the potential presidential candidates in the views of the parties one direction is on Anies," Ujang told VOI, Wednesday, February 2.

Then, will Nasdem, PPP, and PAN be determined to carry Anies in the next presidential election? Ujang said not necessarily.

All parties, including those that have shown closeness to Anies, will still monitor the development of Anies' electability until the election year. In several surveys, the name of the former Minister of Education and Culture is indeed in the top three, besides Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo.

However, it should be noted that Anies' term as Governor of DKI is only a few months before he steps down in October 2022. If Anies does not continue to maneuver, his electability could decrease when the 2024 General Election is held.

"Still, the three parties will still wait for Anies' electability until 2024," said Ujang.

"The key is only one, namely electability. If Anies' electability is high until the registration of the presidential candidate to the KPU later, there will be many parties that support him. And vice versa," he added.

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