
BANGLI - The Bangli Police Team, Bali, arrested an employee named I Komang Trima (45) for embezzling money belonging to his boss, Ringga Swadiva (26).

The Head of Public Relations of the Bangli Police, Iptu I Wayan Sarta, said that the perpetrator worked as a driver and was then assigned to sell gas cylinders.

"However, the money from the sale is not given to the victim but is used for his own interests, namely to eat, buy cigarettes and gamble online", said Iptu Sarta, Monday, January 31.

According to the police, the perpetrators sold around 3 kg LPG gas cylinders. At that time, Monday, January 3, the victim called the perpetrator asking him where he was.

The perpetrator admitted that he was in Gianyar with his friend. His boss asked the perpetrator to return home, but the perpetrator said he would only come back the next day.

The next day, the perpetrator came to say that the money from the sale of 3 kg LPG gas was lost with a loss of IDR 2,570,000.

The victim again gave IDR 2,500,000 thousand and asked the perpetrator to return to work as usual.

Furthermore, when he returned to work, the perpetrator again said the gas cylinder was missing for IDR 6,750,000.

"And the money that the victim gave to the perpetrator on January 3, 2022, amounting to IDR 2,500,000 has not been returned and one cellphone brand Realme C1 costs approximately IDR 1,500,000. For that incident the victim suffered a loss of IDR 13,220,000", said Iptu Sarta.

Police immediately launched an investigation to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators. The perpetrator was arrested on Friday, January 28 in North Denpasar.

Meanwhile, for the evidence that was secured 40 LPG gas cylinders measuring 3 kg.

"Evidence in the form of 40 LPG gas cylinders which had previously been embezzled by the perpetrators, where the gas cylinders had previously been sold to traders and individuals in the Klungkung and Gianyar areas", he said.

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