
JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) presented 17 findings related to cages in the house of the inactive Langkat Regent. The issuance of a Wind War Plan in Raja Tengah Village, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. "First, not all prisoners are drug addicts," said the Deputy Chair of the LPSK. Edwin Partogi Pasaribu at the Jakarta LPSK Office, Monday, January 31. The findings from the LPSK were after the agency visited and investigated the allegations of various violations in the cage belonging to the inactive Langkat Regent. rehabilitation activities, inadequate housing, visitation restrictions. This restriction on visits by the family is valid for the first three to six months after the victim enters. In addition, the victims are not allowed to bring communication devices. LPSK also found that the treatment of people in cages as prisoners with terms used as in detention homes or correctional institutions. "They live in locked cages," he said. cages are also limited. They are not allowed to carry out Friday worship, Sunday worship and religious holidays. Detainees are employed without wages in palm oil companies, there are allegations of levies, there is a detention time limit of 1.5 years, detained up to four years. structured and a statement will not sue if the occupant is sick or dies from the victim's family.

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